BPL Development

Guided through Visionary leadership of 

Prof Ravinder Rena

B.A.(Econ), B.Ed., LL.B., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.(Econ)(Gold Medallist)

Honorary Professor of Economics

DUT Business School 

Faculty of Management Sciences

Durban University of Technology 

ML Sultan Campus, PO Box: 1334, Durban 4001

Republic of South Africa

Stimuli - Organise some employability program for students to progress from Opportunity Deprived Countries 

Training should lead to some job skills, that has a demand for employability. Technology Skills should be used to integrate people and never be allowed to divide them. Technology balances all human beings across the globe to be connected seamless and virtually with zero distance. Employable Skills to be identified and grooming should be rolled out virtually online.

WRW will connect to deliver the skill development program

Both "Organization's" or "Individuals as Group" can identify new programs that are not in the list and enquire possibility of new program evolution

Concept evolution in Progress

Request Organization's / Individual's as Group to ........

Please identify the skills which are appreciated for employment in your nearby areas, therefore such a training could have a good demand for employability.  Communicate through email to worldresourceswebinar@gmail.com